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December 21, 2022

Health & Wellness

Costs for Medicare Drug Coverage

You would expect to pay a monthly premium for a Medicare drug plan right? And an annual name brand drug deductible (It can be no higher than $505 in 2023) that needs to be met is typical if you have a “stand-alone” Medicare drug plan. (Those who are enrolled in

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Brain Power. Benefits of Learning a Second Language at an Early Age

Development of memory, better concentration and focus, faster adaptation, are among the many reasons why teaching your child a second language can help boost their brain development. Did you know that approximately 60-75% of the world population can speak at least two languages? In fact, research studies have shown that

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Next Stop: Manhattan. Family Fun in the Big Apple

It’s rumored that more than 150 movies are filmed in New York City every year. I’d wager that a good portion of those are made during the holiday season, celebrating the most populous city in the country under a blanket of white. Iconic landmarks, glittering skyscrapers, and some would argue

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Prescott Tax & Wealth Management

By Peter D. Prescott CPA, Masters in Taxation Prescott Tax & Wealth Management (PTWM) was formed over 25 years ago to focus on the needs of individuals and small business owners who want and deserve a more comprehensive approach to their tax and financial affairs. As a multi-generational firm, we

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