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Is America Prepared to Retire? A look at some ways to get ready.

Are Americans saving enough? Only 19% of U.S. adults describe themselves as “very confident” when asked about their savings. Worry spots include retiring without enough money saved (16%) and anxiety about having a “rainy day” emergency fund (14%). These findings come from the 2018 Consumer Financial Literacy Survey conducted by

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Should You Prepare to Retire on 80% of Your Income?

Examining a long-held retirement assumption. A classic retirement preparation rule states that you should retire on 80% of the income you earned in your last year of work. Is this old axiom still true, or does it need reconsidering? Some new research suggests that retirees may not need that much

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Should You Prepare to Retire on 80% of Your Income?

A classic retirement preparation rule states that you should retire on 80% of the income you earned in your last year of work. Is this old axiom still true, or does it need reconsidering? Some new research suggests that retirees may not need that much annual income to keep up

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Prescott Tax & Wealth Management

By Peter D. Prescott CPA, Masters in Taxation Prescott Tax & Wealth Management (PTWM) was formed over 25 years ago to focus on the needs of individuals and small business owners who want and deserve a more comprehensive approach to their tax and financial affairs. As a multi-generational firm, we

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Wise Decisions with Retirement in Mind

Certain financial & lifestyle choices may lead you toward a better future. Some retirees succeed at realizing the life they want; others don’t. Fate aside, it isn’t merely a matter of investment decisions that makes the difference. There are certain dos and don’ts – some less apparent than others –

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Are You Retiring Within the Next 5 Years?

What to focus on as the transition approaches You can prepare for the transition years in advance. In doing so, you may be better equipped to manage anything unexpected that may come your way. How much monthly income will you need? Unfortunately, there is no “magic” number for everyone to

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